In another wonderfully astute move my the new Pope, the Vatican has again stated stated that Catholics are the only true Christians (see article here). Rome seems to feel the need to reiterate this every few years.
The statement stoke the smoldering flame of disagreement with the Orthodox church stating, "It follows that these separated (Orthodox) churches and communities, though we believe they suffer from defects, are deprived neither of significance nor importance in the mystery of salvation." Boy, don't you think all the millions of Orthodox Christians around the world are really going to appreciate their Catholic brothers and sisters calling them 'defects.' Wait, it gets even better for the Protestants...
The statement doesn't even give Protestants the privledge of being called 'defects'. Instead all the Protestant Christians are just fooling themselves thinking they are going to Church each Sunday, when in reality, they are merely attending social groups on Sundays. It states, "These ecclesial (Protestant) communities which, specifically because of the absence of the sacramental priesthood … cannot, according to Catholic doctrine, be called 'churches' in the proper sense." So all you high church Protestant out there who want think they are taking the sacraments every Sunday...too bad...its just grape juice and a ritz cracker.
Another good job Pappa Benedict! Keep up the great work of unifying and reconciling the worldwide Church to itself. At this rate, a new Inquistion might be right around the corner. I can't wait!