The Matthew 25 Network

I was recently left baffled by a Christian friend who wrote and e-mailed to his friends a rebuke of Obama (based on reviews of anti-Obama books). In my search for a response, I came across the Matthew 25 Network, a genuine group of Christians trying to spread the word about the real faith and religious beliefs of Barack. If you have friends or families who don't trust the faith of Obama, have them check out the Matthew 25 Network.

The Cost of Iraq

Many used to make fun of those people who used to argue that we should shift money away from our military budget and instead invest it in things like our educational system . Now, as America buckles under an economic crisis and the Iraq war drags on, most American's have seen that the cost of war does not outweigh the price we have to pay at home. Take two minutes to view this video and see what Iraq has cost us, just in dollars:

The Universal Rule

Believe it or not, Christians don't have the market on the Golden Rule.
In fact Jesus wasn't even the first world religious leader to use it.
