An interesting thought about hapiness...

Here is an interesting thought about happiness that I StumbledUpon from Henry David Thoreau. This thought would seem to be contrary to Will Smith's movie, "The Pursuit of Happiness" where happiness is obtained through a process of intense ambition toward that goal. I tend to think maybe the right emphasis is somewhere in the middle. What do you think? Talk amongst yourselves...

1 comment:

Lonni and Melodia said...

Dude, I love Thoreau... one of my faves has always been (and I may be a few words off, pulling it from memory, which was committed to over 15 years ago when I first read him)... "I went to the woods because I wanted to live deeply, to suck out all the marrow of life."

I've always loved the woods and nature, and I understood what he was saying there.

Hope all is well, bro.

